3 Major Components of a Working Task System
We cannot do everything we wish. Such is the human condition. But we can create structures, whether in words, lists, gadgets, and more, to hold things aside while we focus on the moment. Any system we use to manage our work or play should be able to reliably hold the...OmniFocus 4 and the Horizon
Many of you have come to this site through my writings on OmniFocus (Here, Here, here and here). It’s been years since I’ve written much about it. OmniFocus 4 has just been released by the Omni Group, and I’m super excited for it. As far as task...What Video Games Have to Teach About Productivity
Video games and their windows of challenge can help us understand how to better engage our work.
The “Right Way” to Get It Done – or “The Wedding Gift”
an entertaining story on getting work done