Chouchou – Beautiful music

  Bavid Dailey of SL referred me to this excellent music and visual site, Chouchou. I’m presently standing in awe at some beautiful landscapes and sounds by this SL-only Japanese musician group. Teleport here “Chouchou is a Japanese music group which...

Eden's Visual Poetry

Eden Toll was instrumental, in fact, the very person, who invited me into the group that eventually created the Virtual Jazz experiments. Her latest project is her Visual Poetry Installation, and I wanted to make special mention of it. She has clearly invested her...

Neat Art Exhibits in SL

There are too many excellent art exhibits in SL for me to keep up with, but every once in a while I see one and just find myself sitting back and saying, “neat.” I took a couple of pictures of one I saw yesterday and have added a link if you’re...

Artist as Framer

I had prior never really given much credit to the framing of a painting. After all, why should one bother with a part of a piece on which the artist did not work? But, I have since realized that it is incredibly important. It is the window through which the audience...