Dragon (variation)

  [audio:https://www.kouroshdini.com/417189a/Dragon_extended_2008-07-26_music.kouroshdini.com.mp3]   This version of Dragon was recorded at the Nitida Ridge performance last weekend – July 26th, 2008.    

Tremble and Echo

I’ve been having fun with theSixtyone. I just uploaded Tremble and Echo yesterday. Starting as an improvisation from a few days ago, your support got it to the front page in less than 24 hours. It’s so exciting to see a piece of music be created and be...

C'est le seconde vie …

  Looks like there may not be the usual performance this morning. I am standing by, though, in case things start up again, but it seems that there have been significant server issues running throughout the evening and early morning.   If only everything...