Turn of the Year – Singles Compilation

After the last several months of putting together albums, I feel it’s time to rest and consolidate. The singles from December and January – Impart, Elves’ Reckoning, Autumn Fires of Nitida, and Forest Pools are the final thoughts of the latest round...

New Music: Autumn Fires of Nitida

By special request, I have added a new track from this morning’s performance to the site. The name, Autumn Fires of Nitida, is a combination of suggestions from several of today’s audience members. Part I is an entirely piano section as may be heard in the...

Forest Pools

[audio:https://www.kouroshdini.com/1-2-3-music-store/docma_388h4/system/files/songs/2007-12-01 Forest Pools.mp3] This musical piece, entitled “Forest Pools,” is meant to be experienced visually as well. After pressing the play button, click the image above...