Thank you to all the special peoples who made it out to the show yesterday. It would not have been nearly as nice without you. Overall, the experience was a good one. I think the reps gave me some pretty good pointers on how to further get the musical word out. Their assessments seemed quite positive.

It grows more and more apparent to me that the music I write takes on a very different shape than a lot of music. As such, it is difficult for it to travel the usual channels. I simply have to carve new ones.

The Second Life show in Philadelphia is a good example. Here is a movie featuring the images from the show plus music from last week’s post as the soundtrack. Hopefully, you can make it to the rebroadcast in SL.

By the way, if you like the music here, or the movie, feel free to spread it around. Make mp3s. Send ’em to your friends. 🙂


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