In every moment, we may be…

… drifting without direction,

… deeply engaged in some flow,

… or struggling through treacherous waters, hoping to avoid the rocks along the shore.

How we can sail through one sea or another, how we may even inadvertently contribute to smooth or rough conditions, is not always obvious.

But what if there were a MAP? …

What if we had a way to understand our waves of focus, perhaps as generalities, but more importantly for each of our unique selves?

More than know the waters and ship under our feet, we could then start to guide ourselves beyond the tumultuous currents and even steer towards destinations we choose for ourselves.

… a MAP composed of Mastery, Agency, and Play

In the next three emails, I’ll be describing the importance of each of these components.

  • Kourosh

PS I’m currently re-building the Waves of Focus course, a guide for helping creatives and those with ADHD to get on top of their lives. My current plan is to develop it within a membership site, presenting videos as they are created and with feedback from the community. My questions to you are:

  • Does this sound interesting?
  • Are you a part of a productivity membership site now? What are you hoping to get out of it?
  • What would you want out of another productivity community?
  • What would be the one thing that would keep you engaged and stick around?

Feel free to comment below!

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