Automation is an important part of productivity. Sometimes, when we pass a certain threshold of organization, we are suddenly able to do so much more. As a simple example, I’m much more likely to send a thank you card, when I have cards, envelopes, stamps, and a pen within easy access at my desk.

Similarly, we can view how we set up our technological devices. Learning how to design the systems is not always simple…

My friend David Sparks is machine when it comes to churning out good work. In his new Shortcuts Field Guide (affiliate link), David Sparks updates what was already an excellent course into an even more solid way to learn how to make the most of your iOS devices. Learning how to use iOS Shortcuts well can really transform your device into a powerhouse. David has honed his Field Guide courses into a science, presenting what would otherwise be complex into a set of well-constructed step-wise pieces.



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