What do we do with projects that sit around untouched? Setting an arbitrary time frame after which they would be dropped can be problematic. While reviewing them, it becomes obvious that there are some we may not wish to drop, even after several years of their remaining dormant.

A project simply holds our intentions. At times, mourning their loss is necessary. Doing so frees time and attention for other projects that could use it.

At other times, we may consider them as dormant seeds. Storing them is worth at least minimal effort.

So how do we decide?

Useful Questions

Consider using the following question:

  • What is the cost of this project remaining here?

We could follow with detailing questions such as:

  • Does it slow down review?
  • Does it make it difficult to get to projects that are presently active?
  • Does its present storage take time and attention away from other more meaningful projects?
  • If so, how? Is there a better means of storage?

Upon feeling settled with cost considerations, we can then decide:

  • Are its costs acceptable to keep the project?

Certainly these questions take some time to answer. However, I do prefer this more direct and individual approach to the work than an arbitrary line.

Building a “Dormant” Perspective

Still, we can use some threshold of time for consideration. In other words, it can be useful to ask the above beyond a certain time frame.

Here is a useful perspective that displays any projects that have not been changed in the several months or so:

Dormant Perspective View

The perspective settings for this are as follows:

Dormant Perspective

Here, I’ve titled the perspective “Dormant”. If you do create this perspective, consider creating a task to review it such as:

Review Dormant Projects Review Task

I’ve added the perspective link in the note field of the task.

Perhaps a repeat set to every several months would suffice.

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