(Advanced uses post)
One of my most commonly used Applescripts is Jesse Hollington’s link to script. (Also check out Brandon Pittman’s Open and Complete and Open and Don’t Complete scripts.) I’ll use it to link to projects, perspectives, contexts, other tasks, URLs and applications. For an example of how I use, it check out this post and video where I describe using the script along with tabs to create a workflow.
There’s another similar script that you may want to check out, too, created by Joe Buhlig of Working with OmniFocus. This script opens up a series of URLs in the note field of a task. It does not work for linking to a series of OmniFocus perspectives so it’s not a replacement, but it’s still pretty neat.
I’ve currently set them both up through Keyboard Maestro for key commands.
- Hollington’s script is set to (Option-Command-Space).
- Buhlig’s script is set to (Control-Option-Command-Space).
I like using modifications to the Space key to correspond with the uses of a task.
- Space – marks it complete
- Option-Command-Space – goes to the work
and now
- Control-Option-Command-Space – goes to a series of URLs.