Man, Music, and Technology

(… somewhere in my mind is a quote whose origins I can’t quite seem to find … something about music reflecting the state of its society … if only I had written it down … but, …) Is technology empowering or destroying music? Have we lost something on the ride into this...

Compression in Music and the Artist's Message

The technique of compression is frequently used in editing music. Basically, one takes the quiet sounds of a piece of music and makes them louder, while essentially leaving the loud parts the same. Compression can be useful when using a wide range of dynamics over a...

Naming Pieces of Music

Please enjoy the new piece of music I have added to the side bar. I have titled it “border” by the method I seem to use for naming pieces. Specifically, I use the first words that come to mind when I am ready to give the piece a title. It may seem an...

Communication, Autism, and the Internet

It is clear and obvious that communication requires two parties. But, effective communication requires two parties that are each willing to say that his or her respective world is not the only world. An essence of learning requires a person to be humble enough to...