by Kourosh | Jan 22, 2020 | On Play and Productivity
What is sloppiness and how do we address it?
by Kourosh | Dec 5, 2017 | On Play and Productivity
On the transition from Zen & The Art of Work to Being Productive – Simple Steps to Calm Focus
by Kourosh | Dec 5, 2017 | Blog
On transitioning from Zen & The Art of Work to Being Productive
by Kourosh | Nov 6, 2017 | Blog
What is sloppiness and how do we address it?
by Kourosh | Nov 1, 2016 | Blog, General Techniques
Large projects can be difficult to navigate for any number of reasons. When I refer to large projects, I mean those that span at least several OmniFocus projects and possibly several folders of projects.1 Here is an example from Zen & The Art of...