I don’t write much on Omnifocus anymore. That’s not because I don’t use it. I use it as much as I ever have. I don’t write about it much anymore, because I haven’t had much more to say.
However, now that there’s a transition underway from OmniFocus 3 to 4 on the iOS, I do have a few thoughts I want to share.
My current devices are a 2013 Macbook Pro and iPhone 11 Pro.
I joined OmniFocus 4 early in the beta. At first, OmniFocus 4 wasn’t very usable. It would crash regularly. Simple actions like writing text would create trouble. There were a number of features that I needed in order to get around, and they just weren’t easily accessed.
So, I would play with it for a bit and return to OmniFocus 3 where I could work. But in time as I kept playing with OF4 and as the Omni Group has been updating things, I have really grown to enjoy it.
For example, my home screen with OmniFocus 3 most recently looks like this:

OmniFocus 3 home screen
Now, with OmniFocus 4, I have a cleaner looking list of lists, which I really appreciate:

OmniFocus 4 home screen
My lists, in turn, look simpler:

Current/Today list example
I can now edit a task in place, too, rather than go into the Inspector:

OmniFocus 4 editing in place
The inspector exists, but it’s just not as necessary now.
A task’s note is displayed so it lets me get to any relevant links, again without having to go to the Inspector. A very useful “back button” appears at the top when I do jump through a link:

OmniFocus 4 Back button from projects
All in all, I can access everything as I did before, but somehow the path to get all the pieces feel a bit smoother. Certainly, there was a learning curve as they’re always must be in any new environment. But now that I’m there I almost never return to OmniFocus 3, at least on iOS.
I’ll be stepping off the beta train for a bit as updates are targeted at those brave souls with iOS 15 betas which I have not installed. I look forward to seeing how it continues to shape up. I understand that status circles are returning which is much welcomed.
Glad to see it’s making progress. Also, I know you’re busy working on the new course for this Fall, but inquiring minds want to know if you plan on updating Creating Flow with OmniFocus once version 4 is released?
Hey Doug,
I’d like to, but I am fully focused on the course at the moment. Also, I tend to focus more on the macOS version of things so there’s still time before I decide if/when to commit to it.
Nice improvements but still light years away from Things 3 imho. I feel Omni Group is lagging behind in terms of UI
Unfortunately this is exactly the reason after many years I left the OF camp.
T3 is actually enjoyable to use! (I grew to really dislike OF3 with its UI clunkiness and clutter and bugs) … in terms of what Kourosh has taught me over the years the idea of stilling your mind and taking considered thoughtful steps in terms of actions etc are I find hindered by the mess that became OF3…. T3 on the other hand is beautifully clear and calm inducing.
This said, I do want to give OF4 a chance and will seek to get back on side if there are good reasons to do so. I eagerly await getting hands on.
I don’t like how the circular checkbox is now on the left. I much prefered it on the right. It made it easy to tick off tasks one-handed on your phone using your thumb (for those of us who are right handed). Now they are on the left, you can’t reach them.
I really like OmniFocus but I am finding it hard to plunk down $130 cdn a year for a subscription when I can use Todoist for $48 cdn. Todoist lacks a few features but also adds some that OmniFocus is missing and I seem to be able to do everything I need so why pay just about 3 times the amount.
I really like Omnifocus but as I have gotten older I’ve found I’m keeping an Omnifocus List and a running sheet for the day. Omnifocus has never filled that role. That has led to the requirement for running a second application and then comparing searches when required. If Omni Focus could overcome this issue I’d be much happier. In the mean time the I’ll keep looking. As of OF 4. I’m still trying to get used to it. Change can be good but you get used to the look and feel and change can be more difficult as you get older. I’m happy the OF updates have a significant break between them.
HI AussieXman – I’m curious about the running sheet you keep for the day. What’s it for/look like?