OmniFocus 4 and the Horizon
Many of you have come to this site through my writings on OmniFocus (Here, Here, here and here). It’s been years since I’ve written much about it. OmniFocus 4 has just been released by the Omni Group, and I’m super excited for it. As far as task...
Dreading a Review of Tasks
Reviewing projects can be exhausting, often because we are actually reviewing its tasks, of which there are many. How do we deal with reviewing tasks when there’s no way we’d have the time to?

Where Simplicity Misses the Point – A Practice Perspective in OmniFocus
KISS or “Keep It Simple Stupid“ is a phrase I’ve heard regularly. The phrase is often used to warn against the use of an application or process that has a complexity to it. I do believe that simplicity is a hallmark of maturity. However, I think the simplicity...
Thoughts on the OmniFocus 4 beta
I don’t write much on Omnifocus anymore. That’s not because I don’t use it. I use it as much as I ever have. I don’t write about it much anymore, because I haven’t had much more to say. However, now that there’s a transition underway from OmniFocus 3 to 4 on the...
OmniFocus Quick Entry on iOS
Quick entry on my iPhone! I’ve been waiting for this…