So I’ve been on a linking and using Keyboard Maestro kick lately. No reason not to continue…

The ability to link to files, projects, perspectives, contexts, and more can make a huge difference to a workflow. Just look at the Internet. As fancy as we keep trying to make it, the whole thing is built on one thing linking to another.

To this end, consider making a key command to access the “Copy as Link” function in OmniFocus. You can use the standard Mac OS system to create one or you can use a dedicated program such as Keyboard Maestro.

To create a key command using the built-in system on OSX:

  • Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts.
  • Select the (+) icon:
Creating a new keyboard shortcut in OS X

Creating a new keyboard shortcut in OS X

  • Choose OmniFocus as the Application.
  • Enter the menu item exactly as it appears.
  • Enter a desired key command:
OmniFocus Copy as Link settings in OS X System Preferences

OmniFocus Copy as Link settings in OS X System Preferences

  • Select “Add”.

Alternatively, using Keyboard Maestro, you can add a little notification that says “Link Copied”. Here are my settings:

Keyboard Maestro settings for Copy as Link in OmniFocus

Keyboard Maestro settings for Copy as Link in OmniFocus

For a more detailed description of setting up Keyboard Maestro, check out the recent post, Quickly Access and Hide Features using Keyboard Maestro.

You now have a quick way to create a link. Paste the link in any note field, or any app that uses links for that matter for speedy access to that OmniFocus location.

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